Month: November 2020 Articles

Being in Alignment with Your Message for Successful Launches

She helps online coaches and entrepreneurs stop the cycle of throwing spaghetti at the wall and learn how to launch in alignment. I also focus on healing limiting beliefs in order to expand your launches. “Ask yourself, am I trying to create a business based on what...

Gain Clarity and Direction with Your Business through Energy Alignment

By using my channeling abilities I help clear subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs combined with very down to earth business coaching. “When it comes to launching, identify the process. Identify where you leak energy, Say you’re not technical, get a VA, say you...

The Importance of Self Care for Entrepreneurs All the Time Especially During Launches

“You should be the priority on your to do list. Recognize that you’re an essential component of your business.” Megan Nolan is a personal trainer and yoga instructor with over 14 years of experience. Her mission is to help busy entrepreneurs use their Yoga practice to...

Showing up with Confidence and Not Being Afraid of Serving Your Audience

She coaches female creatives, entrepreneurs and thought leaders to be brave and show up in their business. Confident and authentic selling only using social media. “First comes courage, then comes confidence. That’s what you need to remember.” Lauren is a social media...