Overwhelm And How It Affects Your Launch


Heidi Marke

Launching can be overwhelming and these can often lead us to have feelings we don’t know how to handle. On today’s episode, Heidi is on the episode to help us explain the feelings of overwhelm, how it affects us, and how we can manage it. Knowing how to handle these feelings can help you focus on your business and the important things you prioritize in your life.

“That’s what we lose when we’re overwhelmed. It’s the conversation to our hearts, to our purpose.”

Heidi Marke helps overwhelmed entrepreneurs and pressured professionals reclaim their life from overwhelm so they can find the time and energy for life outside of work. 

Topics we discuss in this episode…

  • The state of overwhelm
  • Managing your feelings of overwhelm
  • “One minute marke”
  • Launching and how it overwhelms you
  • Heidi’s journey


One minute marke – https://www.heidimarke.co.uk/theoneminutemarke 
The Overwhelm is Optional Podcast – https://www.buzzsprout.com/957541 
Special Turn of the Year Series Podcast – https://www.heidimarke.co.uk/pause