Being in Alignment with Your Message for Successful Launches


Jess O'Connell

She helps online coaches and entrepreneurs stop the cycle of throwing spaghetti at the wall and learn how to launch in alignment. I also focus on healing limiting beliefs in order to expand your launches.

“Ask yourself, am I trying to create a business based on what everybody else is doing? Or am I fully in alignment with what it lights me up to talk about? And try to be more in that energy more often, and you’ll find success.”

Jess is a fellow launch coach, business mentor, and creator of the Aligned Launch Formula™ . She believes that you can have all the strategy in the world, but successful launches come down to being in alignment with your message and expanding your self-belief in alignment with your desires.

She is also the host of the Stand Out CEO Podcast where she shares practical launch strategy alongside ancient growth principals.

Topics we discuss in this episode…

  • Getting aligned with your audience
  • The Aligned Launch Formula
  • What is Alignment
  • Pay attention to your latent thoughts