Standing Out and Connecting With Your Audience


Nicci O’Mara

She’s worked with small and medium business, large corporations, universities and schools, government bodies, and non-profit organizations throughout Australia and abroad. Today, she’s going to share what it takes to get your business and launch to stand out while maintaining that connection you’ve built with your audience.

“It’s really important you shine a light on your differences. And I’m not just saying about you personally, I’m talking about the brand- The brand identity that you’re actually selling.”

Nicci O’Mara is an award-winning marketing communications strategist. As a Certified Practicing Marketer, it is important to her to help small businesses stand out through their messaging, content, and marketing strategies.

Topics we discuss in this episode…

  • Authenticity: Being yourself in order to stand out
  • Knowing what your audience wants to make your life easier
  • Finding your mission. Stand for something you believe in
  • Setting yourself apart from your competition
  • Your brand messaging and why it matters


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Simply Standout Marketing Podcast